Monday, December 8, 2014

Just one issue...

The thing about the Green Party of Canada is that it is a one-issue party.   But not in the sense that many assume: we are definitely not Greenpeace nor even tree huggers.

The one issue, the fundamental philosophy of the Green Party, is that the environment is crucial to the health of human society.  The economy has to be seen as a wholly-owned subsidiary of the environment, and not the other way around.  The economy cannot proceed as though the environment is irrelevant.  Without a healthy environment we cannot have either a healthy economy or a healthy human society.

This leads automatically to one of the Green Party’s major policies.  We will introduce a carbon tax.  We are not prepared to deny the effects of our human life style on the atmosphere.  It has to be constrained, and the way to do that is to apply a fairly stiff price to carbon.  We are in agreement with the Citizens’ Climate Lobby on a “fee and dividend” approach, where carbon is taxed at source, and the entire revenue redistributed as a dividend to all citizens. (1)  In one stroke we can address our consumptive life style and address serious poverty issues.

One issue, but out of that one issue, policies that address all our society’s needs.

A parallel policy to our carbon tax is that we will end all subsidies to the oil and gas industries.  We have to leave most of the discovered oil reserves in the ground. (2)  Continuing subsidies to the fossil industries will not result in that happening.  Instead of spending money on non-renewable energy resources – oil, gas and coal, we will redirect public money into renewables – wind, solar, and water.

Our direction is unlike all the other political parties: they all without exception treat human society and the economy as the most important aspects of public policy.  Of course they are important; that’s why we are in politics.  But they cannot take precedence over the environment.  We cannot continue to pollute our air and water and expect to have any sort of sustainable future on this planet.

Yet that’s what the others plan to do!  Despite protestations to the contrary, the continuation of the current status quo is essential to their platforms.  If we continue on the road they all propose, we will end up where we are going: Lemming-like at the edge of a very steep cliff.

Another major characteristic of the greens is that they have principles.  Oh I know, since when have politicians ever been principled!  Yet, that’s it.  There is a set of public values against which all policies of the Green Party are tested. (3)  If they do not meet one or more of these principles they are not adopted.

These values are:  Ecological Wisdom, Social Justice, Participatory Democracy, Non-violence, Sustainability and Respect for Diversity.  We do not, for instance, think that a future is assured through bullying by one group of nations of another, or one group of citizens by another.  We are decidedly in favour of proportional representation, as are the great majority of democracies.  We are firmly for freedom of sexual preference as well as freedom of choice.  All our policies stem ultimately from our love and passion for this planet, and a determination that there be a safe and healthy future for all life as well as for all our and your grand and great grand children.

(2)  International Energy Agency:

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